about me // References
I gladly offer my experience in different fields of activity.
Areas of expertise:
- Technical
- Automobile
- IT
- Business
- Insurance
- Environment
- Energy
- Politics
- EU
- Advertising
- Marketing
- Journalism
- Social affairs
- Health care
Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)
Federal Agency for Civic Education (BpB)
BNI – Business Network International
CSC (via agency)
Dahm & Freunde
Dekom Kommunikations- und Mediensysteme
DSDB translations
BUND friends of the earth Germany
Forum on Environment and Development
GVG - The Association for Social Security Policy and Research
Crime Prevention Council North Rhine-Westphalia (LPR)
Leyhausen International
Renault Trucks Deutschland GmbH
Terre des Hommes
University of Cologne
Zurich insurance group